Simran Retreat at Khalsa Land

Gurmukh Pyarae Jio,

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

The Simran Retreat held at Khalsa Land from 17 to 19 January was a Great Success. We had about 170 stay-in participants and many more walk ins. A new record was set! Our cabins can accommodate 120 pax only – hence the class rooms were turned into dorms. Sikh Naujawan Sabha Malaysia (SNSM) had made arrangements for mattresses, pillows bed sheets, etc..The Organisers, Raja Sahib (Sdr. Harcharan Singh) and his team and participants started coming in on Thursday, 16th evening.


The Simran Retreat was a real treat for those who enjoy doing and listening to Kirtan. Everyone participated as the stage was shared by the Sangat (raised platform was not used). We have the top Kirtan Jathas of Malaysia, Raja Sahib, Veer Gurmukh Singh, Veer Kamey and … many more but they took least time and got the youths to lead. What a wonderful experience – most of the time at the Guru’s Sharan. Of course, some time was spent on physical exercises, yoga, high rope challenges,fly fox, chilling water fall and walk thru the Kampong Orang Asli.

The food was equally matching with the program and the young and old indulged in Punjabi, Western, Chinese, Malay and Indian delicacies. The cooks worked round the clock for the five meals per day.


The time flew and it was Sunday before most realised! After the final Ardaas, Raja Sahib thanked everyone for their participation and contribution and reminded all about the SNSM commitment of “Leaving the place cleaner than when we first come in”. Everyone, yes, everyone participated in the “gotong royong”


Many of the participants were first time at the Khalsa Land and most appreciated the program and facilities. They were plesently surprised of the wonderful facilities and the commitment by SNSM to develop this place. Most wished and hoped that the next Simran Retreat can be repeated here within this year.

Gurfateh & Best regards
Sarjit Singh KKB.